範疇界定 Category defining
- 社會性基礎設施Social infrastructure
社會性基礎設施指為社會生產和居民生活提供公共服務的物質工程設施,它是社會賴以生存發展的一般物質條件。基礎設施不僅包括公路、鐵路、機場、通訊、水、電、煤氣等公共設施,即俗稱的基礎建設,亦都包括教育、科技、醫療衛生、體育及文化等社會事業 』。 - 城市經濟性基礎設施Economic infrastructure
城市經濟性基礎設施是指為城市生產和居民生活提供公共服務的工程設施,它是城市賴以生存發展的一般條件。城市基礎設施是一個系統工程,它主要包括六大系統,即能源供應系統、供水排水系統、交通運輸系統、郵電通訊系統、環保環衛系統、防衛防災安全系統。城市基礎設施一般應具備的特點:(1)不同時期對城市基礎設施的發展、完善、配套有不同的要求。(2)城市基礎設施作為城市運行的載體,與城市的自然附屬物包括土地、水體、礦床等有緊密聯繫,它是在原有的自然附屬物的基礎上,經過人們的加工改造而建立起來的,受自然的制約;建設和改造城市基礎設施時,必須合理利用自然資源,保護生態環境。 - 本會範疇界定this category definition
成立動機 Establishment of motivation
- 結合關心基礎設施之人士建立研究發展平台。
Concerned about the infrastructure of building research and development platform. - 建構基礎設施生命週期履歷系統相關大數據。
Construction infrastructure lifecycle resume system-related data. - 研究基礎設施工程專業技術與營運發展實務。
Specialized technical and business development practice in research infrastructure projects. - 提供基礎設施研發之相關人才育成專業學程。
Provides infrastructure related talents into professional development program.
研發策略 Development strategies
- 配合亞投行的投資策略與核心競爭力,落實基礎設施設置績效。
The Asia investment banking investment strategy and core competence, implement the infrastructure set up performance. - 協助政府推動基礎設施重點發展政策,提供優質諮詢培訓窗口,培養產業發展基礎設施所需專業人才。
Assist in promoting infrastructure development policy, providing quality consulting training window required for infrastructure development in culture industry professionals. - 規劃符合市場需求之基礎設施育成課題,協助從業者提升知識、技能及敬業態度。
Planning to meet the market needs of infrastructure development project to assist practitioners to upgrade their knowledge, skills and professionalism. - 提供客製化專業教育訓練服務品質,協助企業提升專業技術及人力素質,增進競爭優勢。
Offer customized professional training services to help enterprises to enhance their professional skills and the quality of the workforce and enhance competitive advantage.
願景 Vision
- 成為基礎設施營建技術研究發展的智庫與人才育成的搖籃。
Infrastructure construction of technological research and development think-tank and talents into the cradle. - 培植基礎設施發展的競爭力-成為亞投行的優質推展機構。
Cultivate competitive infrastructure development-extend the quality of Asian investment banking institutions. - 建立國家基礎設施的軟實力-把台灣的未來與優勢贏回來。
Establishment of a national infrastructure for soft power-the Taiwan future and advantage to win back.
價值觀 Values
『專業、技術、經驗、藝術、文化』"Professional, technical knowledge and experience, art and culture":
- 以專業福利民生。Professional for the well-being of the people
- 以技術奉獻社會。Contributing to society by Technology.
- 以經驗協助政策。To assist policy with well experienced.
- 以藝術美化工程。Beautify construction by Art project.
- 以文化營造環境。Construct environment by Cultural.
使命 Mission
- 從事基礎設施營建數據資訊調查研究。
Go in for Investigation & Research into data information of infrastructure construction. - 蒐集基礎設施專業經典人與物事略。
Collect infrastructure professional classical key men and things. - 調查並建立區域性基礎設施生命週期履歷系統。
Investigations and the establishment of regional infrastructure lifecycle resume system. - 培訓基礎設施營建人員精進施工操作能力。
Sophisticated construction of training infrastructure construction personnel skills. - 提升基礎設施經營管理與營建作業技藝。
Upgrading of the infrastructure management and building job skills. - 針對公共建築淪為「蚊子館」現象深入探討剖析,研擬可行對策並積極投入,促使基礎設施更新活化。
For public buildings as "mosquito Hall" study analysis, developing feasible solutions and positive inputs, infrastructure update activation.
參與夥伴 Partners
凡事關懷基礎設施研究發展相關課題之營建技術機構、教育科系所、公家部門及相關產業等團體、個人,均可加入會員,並歡迎捐助支持。Care infrastructure research and development-related issues of construction technology, educational departments, public sector and related industries, organizations and individuals, may join, and welcoming the donor support.